Purely Green, Naturally Yours.

Your destination for highly effective natural cleaning products. 

100% Natural

All our products are carefully crafted using natural ingredients sourced from sustainable and eco-friendly suppliers. Our commitment to the planet drives us to create cleaning solutions that are free from harsh chemicals, toxins, and artificial fragrances.

Lebenese Made

We take pride in supporting the Lebanese community by sourcing our products from local suppliers. By choosing our brand, you are not only investing in a cleaner home but also in the local economy. Our commitment to local sourcing ensures that you receive high-quality products while reducing our carbon footprint.

Pets & Kids

Our cleaning products are specifically crafted with the safety of your kids and pets in mind. We prioritize using gentle, non-toxic ingredients that are free from harsh chemicals, ensuring a clean and safe environment for your entire family.

Don’t take our word for it. See what our amazing clients are saying

Mrs. Peanut Butter
Mrs. Peanut Butter
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Cleaning and washing dishes with such products makes me feel grateful every single time. It makes me very happy to know that my cats and dogs are safe around the products and are not bothered by their smell.
Innocent Treats
Innocent Treats
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Honestly, I loved both of your products, the dishwashing soap and the laundry one. Both are very effective, sufficient foam, efficient effect, great smell without any need for further additions, I will definitely become a regular customer of yours.
Sabah AZ
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Your Surface Cleaner works miracles in the bathroom! I used to have rust around my toilet seat and after spraying them several times, it is gone! I really did not expect this result.
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I am usually very picky with my choice of cleaning products and didn't think anything natural can work and clean efficiently. After using your products I really changed this thought and I now recommend you to all my friends
Lara H
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I like the Laundry soap, it has a nice scent and it cleans well. More importantly, I don’t have to suffer from allergies or feel any skin irritation because of the laundry powder I used to use. The all purpose cleaner as well has a very nice scent and it’s amazing for cleaning the diffuser and the bathroom. Thank you for these amazing products

Be part of the movement for a cleaner planet and a healthier home by choosing our natural cleaning products.

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